Tuesday, June 24, 2008

George Carlin

This week started on a very sad note. George Carlin has left the world of the living.
It’s always sad when a genius leaves us. George Carlin was a pioneer. In times when stand up comedians wore suits and told family friendly jokes, he wore t-shirts and jeans and was absolutely vulgar. He was lethal. He was absolute comedy.

One of the best things about him is that he was and always have been an advocate for the freedom of speech. Carlin believed that anyone can say anything he/she wants. Which is true. And I concur. Why do you think I allow anonymous bastards to keep commenting on this blog? Most people who get as many negative comments from anonymous people are likely to block anonymous commenting. Its about the freedom of speech.

Seven words, arguably his most famous routine to date, left me speechless. The fluidity of his delivery. I was hooked.

Carlin also didn’t believe in indulging in social niceties. Which is also an admirable quality. He was a rebel to the end. No conformity. That’s the way he lived for 71 years. You really should watch or read his stuff. Especially this.

Peace out, hombre’. Peace out.

Tuesday, June 03, 2008


Okay, I’ve had enough. I have reached the point where I have to say something to someone. Heads up, because I’m about to rant… sort of.

Football can kiss my ass. Maldivian football, to be precise.

Fact: Maldivian football sucks donkey dick. They haven’t shown ANY development, despite the attention they get. Despite all the funding they get from the government and stuff.

It all gets too much when the SAFF cup is everywhere! Its shameful and downright frustrating.

And TVM in all their “professionalism” glorifies Maldivian “footballers”. I heard them say “football is in every Maldivian’s blood.” and “it’s a wonder how far football has come”

Up yours, TVM. Up your bumhole.

Fact: some Maldivian player got an opportunity to play in a foreign club, but he cried like a sissy girl and came back home becaue the training was too “tough”.
Man up, player who I don’t know the name of!

Fact: Maldivian players lack discipline, yet their heads are up beckhamville.

All those advertisements that depict the Maldivian players saying “this is going to be our win” (rough translation), you all are gonna fall on your faces and I am going to laugh at you.

Sure, there is a chance if you look at probability. But lets face it… when have you won?