Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Something Personal...

The following post is kind of personal. I don’t think I have done a personal post before. Bear with me on this.

Fuck wahhaabees.

You bunch of fucking religious extremist can suck each others cocks. Fucking bunch of hypocrites. That all you are.

Who the fuck told you that you are better than everyone else? Fuck you.

Your fucking ‘brothers in arms’ in Himandhoo had child brides. Girls as young as thirteen wedded off to grown men. You know no respect. You know no compassion. These are children. You deprive them of their right to knowledge. To a freedom. And most of all, you rob them of their childhood. Assholes.

People gathering against child molestation.. WAKE THE FUCK UP!! They are right there! Stop you stupid hand holding and look at them.

I cannot begin to describe how much haabees piss me off. While I’m at it, fuck sheikh Fareed too. Yeah. Fuck him in his ass with a bent spoon. Sideways. The fucking midget is one of the worst things that happened to Islam.

And this fixation that you have that every man and every woman should look alike with your fucking beards and your fucking covered women. Fuck that to oblivion. I believe that if God wanted us to be the same, God wouldn’t have given people talent or skills. OR free will, for that matter. Take your uniformity and shove it where the sun don’t shine.

I’m not saying that every one with a beard is a pedo. When I say haabees I mean extremists. I mean people who use the veil of religion to their own ends. The day I get a free pass, I am going to fuck these people up. They wont recognize their own faces in the mirror. I would fucking obliterate them. I would be tried and executed for genocide, but I’d die happy.

The word fuck has been used in this post only 15 times. Seems like more, doesn’t it?